‘Au Pair’ in Australia Cost Overview
‘Au Pairs’ are a concept that is rapidly growing in popularity, with a lot of families looking into the costs and what an ‘Au Pair’ experience would require on their end. Some agencies will provide the perfect pairing with an ‘Au Pair’ that will live in your home and provide you with a cultural exchange experience.
But it’s still a concept that a lot of families have yet to grasp completely, and many of them are understandably reserved when it comes to debating costs and how ‘Au Pairs’ are paid. Do you pay hourly or is there another system in place? How much does an ‘Au Pair’ in Australia cost?
To answer that question, we first need to discuss what an ‘Au Pair’ does, how the whole system works, and then we’ll look into the costs and what you should be keeping in mind from the perspective of families looking to get one.
What Is an ‘Au Pair’?
The definition of an ‘Au Pair’ is a young person, usually from abroad, that helps with household duties and childcare in exchange for a room to live in and some pocket money. This is a rather loose definition, but in today’s world, it accurately describes the whole experience and process of an ‘Au Pair’ situation.
Today, an ‘Au Pair’ will usually come to your home from abroad and help you with the aforementioned tasks. They’ll do some light household duties, they’ll look after your children when you’re at work. And on your end, you’ll only have the responsibility of an additional family member in your home – that’s what comes with the ‘Au Pair’ cost.
For the ‘Au Pair’, they get a cultural exchange, get to live with a family in a completely different environment and improve on their English skills. They also get a monthly allowance that, in most cases, is not too much but is enough for them to be able to travel a bit. Most ‘Au Pairs’ actually get a visa for a year, but only work for 8 to 10 months, using up the rest of the time to travel and explore the country before they come back home – that’s when the pocket money comes in handy.
So, How Much do ‘Au Pairs’ Cost?
This is probably expected, but the answer to how much does an ‘Au Pair’ cost is completely up to the families and the agencies and what they agree on. One thing that families should understand is that they aren’t just hiring a caretaker – they are taking in a new family member that will require their care and a place to live.
It is up to the family to feed said member, make sure they haven’t worked more than it has been agreed upon, and make them feel like their home. They should get food alongside the family, and most families treat them like another family member by taking them along to any family outings, family gatherings, etc.
On top of that, you should also consider their monthly or weekly allowance. This is part of the costs, and you should have an agreed-upon amount with the agencies and the ‘Au Pairs’ themselves. You should make sure it’s enough for the city you live in, and the ‘Au Pair’ should be happy with the amount too.
How Is the ‘Au Pair’ in Australia Cost Different from a Nanny?
Well, it’s a completely different concept, and the pricing differs too. With a nanny, you’re looking at a person that has childcare training and only comes to your home when you need them to look after your child. For some families, this works out better in terms of pairing with the right person that has plenty of experience with childcare, and they can better manage costs.
However, there’s also the trust factor. It is an undeniable fact that your children will always trust someone who lives with them and they’ll be able to relax around them more, making for a more natural environment. This is something you’ll struggle to achieve with a nanny, regardless of how much experience they have because they just aren’t around all the time.
With an ‘Au Pair’, you aren’t paying them hourly, daily, or weekly – you just make sure they have good conditions to live in and get a monthly allowance that will add a bit of comfort to their spending.
What Is an ‘Au Pair’s List of Responsibilities?
This is another stark difference with the role of a nanny – an ‘Au Pair’ has a lot more responsibilities. Of course, the gist of it is childcare, as they need to wake the kids up, prepare them for school, make them breakfast and lunch, and potentially take them to school or daycare.
While they’re at school, the ‘Au Pair’ will usually do some light household duties. Families don’t expect them to deep clean the entire home, but doing the dishes and laundry is an ‘Au Pair’s responsibility when they don’t have the children to take care of. This isn’t too difficult, and usually only takes a short time for the ‘Au Pair’.
Then they pick up the kids from school or daycare, and if they have any after-school activities, they take them there and pick them up afterwards. At the end of the day, they help kids with homework and make sure they’re prepared for the next day.
Is It Worth It?
Parents love the fact that their kids can be around someone who lives in their home and that is considered trustworthy, which is why agencies that offer ‘Au Pair’ pairing are rapidly on the rise. It’s an experience both for the family and the ‘Au Pair’, and it’s something that families increasingly ask for.
If you’re debating whether or not the ‘Au Pair’ in Australia cost is worth it for you, the answer is yes. If you need someone to help with childcare and housekeeping, you should consider an ‘Au Pair’ as soon as possible!