How Can International Students Help Isolated Victorian Families & WFH Parents?

How Can International Students Help Isolated Victorian Families & WFH Parents?

Earlier this morning, Premier Daniel Andrews announced that stage one of relaxing coronavirus restrictions will begin from 11:59 pm tomorrow, allowing residents to visit family and friends but only up to five guests can go out. Physical distancing and hygiene arrangements are still required and employees are still encouraged to work from home. For more details, you may visit the DHHS website here.

Essential workers with family members who are elderly, have a disability, and parents with kids will still have to endure several more weeks of juggling work from home and caring for their loved ones. For those who don’t have a family to help, this can be an extremely stressful situation.

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We understand that the purpose of isolation is to contain the spread of COVID19 and we want to help as much as we can by doing our part and by staying home. We at 99aupairs, on the other hand, would like to help provide aged and disability care and childcare to Victorian families so they can still continue with their lives, both at work and at home.

If you are an international student, you can help isolated Victorian families as a student Au Pair, also known as Demi Pair.

How can an international student become a Demi Pair?

An international student can become a Demi Pair if he/she has a student visa, has enough free hours, is willing to help the elderly, and loves to work with children. As an international student, you are allowed to work 15-20 hours per week to ensure that you will still have enough time to attend your classes and study.

What are the benefits of being a Demi Pair?

Being a Demi Pair will help improve your English speaking skills as you will be communicating with your host family. You will also be able to save for food and board instead of renting for an apartment. The first 15 hours of work will cover your food and board, the family will give you pocket money for the remaining hours. 

Due to coronavirus, almost all classes of Universities in Melbourne have been moved online. You may find it beneficial if you become a Demi Pair because you’ll be able to stay indoors with an Australian family and share your culture with them as they do the same for you – it’s never boring and you can always do something fun and creative with your host kids!

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Where can Demi Pairs find Host Families who live in Victoria?

You may create an account with today to start looking for a Host Family. Our platform remains available 24/7 and at any time you can log in to:

  • Update your profile details
  • Like and Chat to Host Families

If you need to find a host family as soon as possible, our agency service can help. You may email us at to learn more about our service. Since all our staff are working from home, our interview and screening process will still continue. We will still be able to deliver our service to you uninterrupted and our business hours will remain as normal.

Families need you in their homes for as long as the restrictions in Victoria are in place. Let’s help them take care of their loved ones and together, we will rise in this difficult time stronger and more bonded than ever before.

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