99aupairs Statement: The Au Pair Program as a Cultural Exchange
99aupairs highly encourage Au Pairs and Host Families alike to look at the Au Pair Program as a Cultural Exchange and NOT as a job that is paid through wages or salaries. Beyond our desire to help the Australian Government and the Australian public to reap the benefits of the Au Pair cultural exchange programs, we also want to help further develop Au Pair community friendships with other eligible countries.
Thus, we advocate that both parties in the Au Pair Program leave a great and positive impression by treating each other in a way similar to how you would treat a family member in your own household, with love and respect.
We strongly believe that the whole purpose of the program is for both Au Pairs and Host Families to share each other’s culture, lifestyle, to learn a new language, and to create lasting relationships and wonderful memories in each other’s lives.
For Au Pairs:
We encourage you to show kindness, respect, understanding, and honesty to your Host Families as they welcome you to their humble homes. You play an important role in the lives of busy working Australian families by offering your assistance in childcare and in helping out with light household chores. As you take on an exciting adventure by exploring the many beautiful places in Australia and making new friends, please remain aware and give equal importance to your Host Family who is in need of your support as well.
For Host Families:
We encourage you to treat your Au Pairs like a member of the family and to look at the pocket money NOT as a salary or wages, but as a “token of appreciation” for the support you have received from your Au Pairs. We request that you focus on creating great relationships with your Au Pairs by treating them with gentleness like they are your own children or young siblings who are just about to discover the beauty of the world with their own eyes. Furthermore, to give Au Pairs a chance to experience life in Australia, we also request that you provide them with a suitable free time to travel on their own or with their newly found friends. Your participation in this cultural exchange is extremely important as you help young individuals not only get the best of their visit to Australia but to also help mold them into mature, strong, independent people, and good role models for the future generation.
If you have any more questions about the Au Pair Program or need help in finding an Au Pair, please send us an e-mail at support@99aupairs.com.